Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year, New Plans

Happy New Year! (ten days late)

New Year is my favorite holiday. Why? Because it's all about new beginnings, new adventures, new discoveries. It's about leaving the failures of last year behind you and delving into the new year with newfound excitement!!!!

These are the plans I had for myself when the new year hit in 2007:

Graduate high school (I did!!)
Go to college (Eh, COS counts I guess)
Get my BA (Still in the works)
Get married (I still haven't)
Travel (I've been out of state twice since)

So in a nutshell, I've done absolutely NOTHING in the last six years. All those dreams, all those plans.....I did none of them.

This last year, I planned on finishing at COS and then going to a four-year. However, I'm absolutely positive that God has closed that door for right now. I was also supposed to go to New Zealand and Australia, but needed to be independent, so I moved out of the house and out on my own instead. Yes, it's been great, but...I'm not, nor have I done, anything but school.

On Christmas Eve, I saw that I had the opportunity to go to the place I've wanted to go since I was a child: Ireland. I can actually afford it, on my own, while also living on my own and providing for myself. I'm so excited!! There is literally no way to describe how stoked I am about this.

Now, since I've been learning how to be domestic, and since I'm going to Ireland in about 460 days, I've decided to embark on another adventure in the next few months: cooking and learning everything I can about Ireland. So, with that being said, venture on over to my new blog and keep up with my new adventure. Yes, I'll still vent on here, and talk about life's adventures, but cooking and culture will take place here:

Enjoy!! And if you have information on history or the culture of Ireland, PLEASE share it with me. I want to learn all I can about this country before I go.