Dwelling on the past is what brings us down. We all have events that we think "If I could just go back and change that one little thing, life would be oh so much better." These can be decisions that we ourselves have made, things we decided against, or even things that were out of our control. But why do we dwell on them? I'm sure some of them hurt really bad. I know for me, that's usually the case. But why dwell on it with the wishful thinking of "Why can't I just change it?" Why do we long to change something that can now be called history? it's in the past, we need to move on.
Looking back often on the unchangable is what hinders us from moving forward, from turning the pages, and we almost get into a tug-of-war with God over who gets to hold the pen that writes our story. Moving forward involves giving up the past, good or bad, and letting God take the pen and write the Story of our lives. How many things, compared to the past, do we have to look forward to in the future? In my opinion the possibilities are endless. How many good things in the future can possibly outweigh the pain of the past? Once again, endless possibilities. But these things only happen when God has the pen, not us. so why not give up what has already happened, be excited for what is happening and move forward with wonder at what is going to happen?
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